Monday 21 January 2013

Datura Game Info

Datura is an experimental interactive project from Santa Monica Studios (cf. God of War series) , as well as Plastic, a Polish game developer known chiefly as the creators of Linger in Shadows.

The game follows in the line of similar, surreal, first-person puzzle-adventure titles like those of Cyan's Myst series, as well as (to a lesser extent) the Portal and/or Amnesia series'. This unique project pits you in a strange realm where reality is questionable at best. This is not surprising given the title of the game:

"Datura" refers to a genus of highly poisonous hallucinogenic plants, classified as "deliriants" in pharmacological parlance, that can induce several-day or even week-long delusions and hallucinations of otherworldly proportions.

Datura was developed for the PlayStation 3, and is typically played using the PlayStation Move controller system; however, the game also works with Dualshock 3 controllers as well. Datura is not published via CD or DVD format, and can only be played by PlayStation Network download.

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